To be able to introduce our flavours to other natives in a comfortable, welcoming atmosphere with live entertainment from local, national & international Reggae, Jazz & Poetry artists. Bamboo Fever is the root from which a new potent shall grow with the potential as fast as the Bamboo plant. Bamboos include some of the fastest-growing plants in the world, due to a unique rhizome-dependent system. Our Rhizome-dependent system is our united team dedicated to contributing daily to our rapid growth.


Bamboo Fever Restaurant

To be able to ignite a unique fever of passion for food, family & soul-filled entertainment. Displaying what the chinese bamboo represents; Moral, integrity, resistance, modesty and loyalty. Bamboo Fever is consistent in serving with pride, passion & commitment. With a team as united as our flavours Bamboo Fever unites every person we encounter.


Mount Salem, Montego Bay, St James